Tuesday, Jun 25th

Last update08:36:45 AM GMT

主頁 機械人產品及套件 Inex 機械人模組 Inex 模組 ZX-CCD


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The ZX-CCD can be used to track or monitor color. The best performance can be achieved when there are highly contrasting and intense colors. For instance, it could easily track a red ball on a white background, but it would be hard to differentiate between different shades of brown in changing light.

Tracking colorful objects can be used to localize landmarks, follow lines, or chase a moving beacon. Using color statistics, it is possible to monitor a scene, detect a specific color or do primitive motion detection. If the camera detects a drastic color change, then chances are something in the scene changed. Using �line mode�, the ZX-CCD can act as an easy way to get low resolution binary images of colorful objects. This can be used to do more sophisticated line following that includes branch detection, or even simple shape recognition. These more advanced operations would require custom algorithms that would post process the binary images sent from the ZX-CCD. As is the case with a normal digital camera, this type of processing might require a computer or at least a fast microcontroller.


Features :

  • Track user defined color blobs at 17 Frames Per Second

  • Find the centroid of the blob

  • Gather mean color and variance data

  • Transfer a real-time binary bitmap of the tracked pixels in an image

  • Arbitrary image windowing

  • Adjust the camera�s image properties

  • Dump a raw image

  • 80x143 Resolution

  • 115,200 / 38,400 / 19,200 / 9600 baud serial communication

  • Slave parallel image processing mode off a single camera bus

Packing List :

  • ZX-CCD with image sensor board

  • ZX-U2S USB interfacing board for setting and calibration

  • Documentation and CD-ROM

  • miniB USB cable

  • 2 of JST3A-8 interface cable

Last Updated: Tuesday, 25 June 2024 22:13